Scan & Go Parking

Scan & Go Parking

Convenient parking with number plate recognition

Convenient parking with number plate recognition

With XXlmo’s Scan & Go Parking parking service, you can enter parking garages quickly and easily based on number plate recognition. When you arrive at the parking garage, a camera scans your number plate and the barrier opens automatically. The parking session starts immediately and ends as soon as you drive out of the parking garage. Scan & Go Parking is an easy way of parking, without a ticket and without paying at the ticket machine.

Scan & Go Parking is available as an additional indoor parking service. You can activate Scan & Go Parking for your employees if they have activated the general ‘Parking’ service.

Maximum comfort
Entering and exiting without hassle
No more queuing
You no longer have to pay at a ticket machine.
Parking costs are automatically settled
and are clearly displayed in the Milo app and on the monthly invoice.
Everything digital
You no longer need a parking ticket and can therefore not lose it.
XXImo Milo Scan Go Parking

Where can I park using Scan & Go Parking?

Scan & Go Parking is currently available at all Q-park parking garages in Belgium. Soon, you will also be able to use other parking garages, also in the Netherlands and Germany.

How does Scan & Go Parking work?

  1. You drive to a Q-park parking garage in Belgium. At the barrier, your number plate is scanned and the barrier opens.
  2. You park your car and leave the parking garage. The Milo app shows that the parking session is active.
  3. When you return to the parking garage, you can open the door of the pedestrian entrance with a QR code. You will find this QR code in the Milo app on your home screen, under the active parking session.
  4. You get into your car and drive up to the barrier. Your number plate is scanned again and the barrier opens.
  5. You can exit the parking garage and the parking session will end automatically.
  6. The transaction can be found in the Milo app and on the monthly invoice.
Want to know more about our all-in-one solution?

We’ll be happy to show you how it works.

  • "With XXImo’s parking solution, employees no longer have to advance parking fees and submit expense claims. Everything is taken care of automatically with the mobility card + app. An additional advantage is that we can also reclaim the VAT through the monthly invoice, which is not possible with expense claims"

    Erika Vandekerkhove

    Fleet & Facilities Coordinator

  • "We want to increase the ease of use of business travel, but at the same time reduce the administrative burden for Deloitte. In XXImo we have found the right partner for this."

    Harry Vlaardingerbroek

    Chief Workplace Officer

  • We started using the XXImo for all our lease drivers four years ago at the recommendation of our lease company. It turned out to be good move, because we no longer have separate claims flows, we offer employees travel convenience and at the same time keep a good grip on costs

    Liesbeth van den Hoek

    HR Advisor

The power to move with the freedom to choose.