Know Your Customer (KYC) at XXImo

Know Your Customer (KYC) at XXImo

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Know Your Customer (KYC) at XXImo

Know Your Customer, often abbreviated to KYC, is the term we use to describe everything we do to get to know you as a customer, user, or business contact. This is necessary to ensure that you can manage all your mobility matters and payments securely. All financial institutions (such as XXImo) must fulfil this legal obligation, but we also do it because we want to support safe financial transactions and integrity in business.

The law requires us to collect certain information about you and keep it up to date. Even if you are already doing business with XXImo. Most of this is straightforward, such as your address or date of birth. In some cases, we need to conduct further checks, for example on the source of your assets.

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Important laws

The following three laws are relevant for you:

  • the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (‘Wwft’)
  • the Financial Supervision Act (Wft)
  • the Sanctions Act 1977

De Nederlandsche Bank supervises financial institutions in our country to prevent illegal financial activities, such as fraud, money laundering, and the financing of criminals or terrorist organisations.

The power to move with the freedom to choose.