

Thorough and practical advice

How do you want to organise employee mobility? More flexible, more sustainable, more economical, more freedom? When it comes to the mobility of your employees, these are probably the most important mobility issues. You want to start initiatives in line with your mobility goals. But how do you do that? Allow our mobility consultants to help you.

XXImo mobility advice

Not only has the travel and work behaviour of your employees changed, laws and regulations have changed too. There’s much to take into account. What are the options for business travel, reimbursement, administration and reporting? How do you stay flexible and responsive? Which laws and regulations do you have to take into account, in the Netherlands and abroad? Time for a chat with our consultancy team.

Years of experience with all aspects of mobility
Tailored analysis and mobility advice
Knowledge of trends and developments in the market
Network of professionals varying in expertise
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Mobility schemes

The options are endless these days! Everything depends on your goals and wishes. An extra hand to create clarity would be welcome. Our mobility consultants will sit down with stakeholders from your organisation to discuss all mobility-related aspects. Based on this, they issue thorough and practical advice. With practical input for your mobility scheme, the facilities and associated measures.

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XXImo helps with the implementation

Policy set? Facilities determined? Measures defined? Tick! Then it’s time for the next step. The translation into a clear plan for the implementation of the mobility services. Time for the onboarding!

The power to move with the freedom to choose.