International train tickets

International train tickets

Sustainable travel to many destinations

International trains

Travel to your business destination quickly and comfortably. London, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt and many other destinations are easily accessible by international train. Moreover, travelling by international train is comfortable. You’ll not be confronted with long check-in times and you’ll travel environmentally friendly. So many advantages! More and more companies are therefore opting for an international train journey.

All destinations by rail
Easy online booking
Sustainable method of travel
Travelling environmentally friendly
One VAT invoice
All costs incurred in the Netherlands and beyond in one overview
One mobility partner for everything
Separate contracts are a thing of the past
On the move 0000 trainstation phone 800x450
This is how it works

Simply book and pay for international train tickets using the XXImo mobility card. You can do so quickly and securely through the websites of NS International, DB Bahn and NMBS, or with the Milo app.

International travel is an option that you can switch on or off at XXImo. This can even be set per employee.

Mobiliteitsopties NL EN
Additional mobility options

In Belgium, XXImo gives you access to many different travel options and we are also happy to help with your trips abroad. Do you need airline tickets? A hotel, taxi or meeting room? Or are you travelling by car and need to refuel or e-charge abroad? You can do all that and more. All you need is the XXImo mobility card and our handy Milo app. All these options offer ultimate flexibility. You simply decide which options you want to use. Only those options will be ‘on’.

Want to know more about our all-in-one solution?

We’ll be happy to show you how it works.

These customers preceded you

The power to move with the freedom to choose.