VAT refund

VAT refund

One clear VAT invoice

Save time and money

Many businesses ignore VAT on mobility. The reasons? Lack of knowledge, no interest, complicated, too time-consuming or administrative hassle. How is this arranged in your organisation? XXImo makes it all a lot easier. With one mobility platform and one VAT invoice. This way, you save you time and money.

Everything on a single mobility platform
All mobility costs on one invoice
No hassle
Receipts + administration a thing of the past
Tax proof
Mobility without the hassle
One VAT invoice for all mobility

A clear VAT invoice with all mobility costs makes it easier and faster to claim back VAT. You will receive it monthly. The accompanying invoice specification shows all detailed information per employee. Because all mobility options are invoiced inclusive of VAT, you can easily maximise the VAT you claim back.

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The invoice

You will find everything you need on our invoice. All costs per mobility category, VAT rates and collection orders. This means:

  • Costs and VAT breakdown

The VAT rates are 6% and 21%. You won’t see any VAT for transactions abroad and for which XXImo does not receive any detailed information.

  • Information on financial cash/collection flows

All financial entries at company level: such as collection orders for charging XXImo mobility cards, possible reversals and administrative bookings.

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Tax proof

Good to know: the collective invoice with specification meets the Invoicing requirements for Belgian turnover tax. Because we also work internationally, we closely monitor European legislation regarding invoicing requirements and VAT regulations. This way, you can’t go wrong. Alongside assistance with domestic VAT legislation, XXImo can also help you claim back VAT paid outside Belgium.

A VAT refund without the hassle?

We’ll be happy to show you how

The power to move with the freedom to choose.