How do I process the prepaid invoice in my administration?
In many cases, the XXImo card is a prepaid product. This means that money is credited to the card in advance and that this money is returned to you at the end of the term. During the month, monies will be debited from your account by which you pay for the transactions made during the month in question. So you have already paid the invoice that you receive at the end of the month through these collections. You can therefore process the received invoice as costs straight away. The collections made during the month can be booked against XXImo as creditor.
Since the XXImo card is a prepaid product, you will always keep a balance on the XXImo credit card, which must correspond to the prepaid final balance that you can find on your invoice. If the XXImo card is cancelled, the remaining prepaid balance will be refunded to you. As a result, XXImo as a creditor should run smoothly in your accounts. Alternative methods of processing the accounts are of course also possible.
It’s possible that transactions from the past are not presented to Visa until later due to delayed processing on the part of, for example, a petrol station proprietor. As a result, XXImo can only process and invoice these transactions at a later date. Due to these deferred transactions, you’ve already paid for the transaction, but they will only be invoiced to you later. A 1-on-1 match between collection and invoice is therefore not always possible.
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